I love to write. However, issues running from meeting my personal responsibilities to burn-out have brought me to this impasse. I've come to find that writing is a luxury. I simply cannot afford to devote so much of my attention to. Reviewing my Stat Counter, I have noticed that despite my very limited postings - which have not been all that original or thought provoking - I have a loyal following of people and I thank you for honoring me enough to drop by and visit this site on occasion. This post is for you.
I really haven’t posted much in my blog since Dad died. His death left me with an indescribable emptiness which I have still not quite come to terms with. Moreover, it has revealed the temporary nature of my/our existence on Earth. Finally, Dad’s death has also ripped open some long-standing familial scars – scars that I thought had healed long ago. Consequently, my predominant feeling is a sense of foreboding – I am afraid we are coming apart as a family - because I am not entirely convinced these wounds, born out of childhood, can ever heal. Hopefully, one day we as siblings, can honor Daddy’s memory by trusting, believing in, and supporting each other the way he continually encouraged us to do throughout our lives.

My daughter was married in October and it was a spectacular event, very traditional New Mexican wedding - Mariachi's performed at the mass and later on at the reception. Although a good time was had by all - I really wish Daddy could have been there. My son-in-law is a good man - I love him very much. He and Jaja are the best of friends. Less than a month after their wedding, we found out that Kris is going to have baby number two. She is due around mid-August. So, I am going to be a grandpa for the second time - the ultrasound has revealed Jaja is going to have a little sister.

I recently purchased a home that came with two dogs, two goats and one sheep and one cat. I also took in two more dogs and another cat.
Meet "Nubie" - her previous owners had her scheduled to go off to the slaughterhouse along with Lovie and Pearl. This news was sprung on me at closing when I was also notified they would be taking the two dogs, Sukie and Mika off to the Vet's to be put down (the sellers decided to get rid of everything and move to Italy).
Nubie is a Nubian Goat - papered and, I'm told, pretty valuable as goats go - although I must admit, I know nothing about sheep and goats. My naiveté got me swindled by a local the first time I bought hay - the guy sold me straw which makes great bedding but poor food. ...Tuition money I call it.
One of my dearest friend's wife was killed in a vehicle collision and I’ve spent a whole lot of time just being there with him - he's pretty lost and her unexpected death has wrought havoc on his life.

My service truck broke down in late January and it has been a nightmare getting it repaired - two months, a couple thousand dollars later and it still remains in the shop so I am forced to drive my favorite albeit old Chevy pickup which is terrible on gas - did I mention the *&!#@! rise in gas prices? I commute to and from Albuquerque daily. The good news is that business is picking up again and the S.A.D. season is nearly over.

Mattie applied for and received an internship with one of the world's largest corporations and is enjoying it tremendously. He doesn't have to get dirty and gets to communicate with people throughout the US, Canada and England. I miss him; between the truck problems and his leaving the company, I have to say it isn't the same anymore - the fun has gone out of it for me. I miss my buddy - lots.

My brother's divorce is nearing its end and he seems to be doing a lot better. Devastation has given way to resignation and acceptance. His faith is stronger than ever and he is that much the better for it. Witnessing his struggle has been inspirational because, in the end, he has stayed away from pettiness and using the children as pawns in the disgusting game of divorce.
So, that’s what’s happening in my life – what’s happening in yours?