Heather Wilson - George Bush's Monkey sponsors Domestic Wiretapping Bill

Sounds pretty good until you see the Bill she recently sponsored - the Heather Wilson Wiretapping Bill.
The Terrorist of 1600 Pennsylvania needed someone to sponsor one of the most dangerous Bills ever. Dangerous because, if passed it can directly undermine the US Constitution itself. Shape shifter Wilson is George Bush's man.
Talk about a lackey for Bush & Co. Quite simply, Heather Wilson's bill which has 'PARTISAN' written all over it is being touted by the Albuquerque Journal as the 'biggest [political] victory' for her ever.
Some victory indeed - hardly a 'middle-of-the-road' victory.
Heather Wilson is independent alright - so independent that she provides the bed which the neocons' will use to screw America out of their right to defend themselves against false accusations on a level playing field. Simply put, Shape-Shifter Wilson is using her office to do George Bush's bidding when she submits such a partisan agenda for Congressional vote with this most recent Wiretapping bill.
What's next for this this ass-kisser, a bill to have our children dressing like little brown shirt fascists of the Hitler youth? Heather's proud 'accomplishment' spells the end of Democracy and the rise of Fascism. Her celebrated 'accomplishment' deserves no credit at all because it will go down in America's History as one of the many efforts Bush and his neocon supporters initiated their onslaught of measures to destroy Democracy.
Like the old joke says, "the operation was a success but the patient died."

George Orwell warned about people like you in his book "Nineteen Eighty-Four." The historical distinction that you will have on American History will be that you finally put a face on 'Big Brother.' Congratulations, you have guaranteed yourself a place in the company of Joseph McCarthy.
Let's hope the US Senate has more sense than to rubber stamp this effort to side-step the foundation of America's Democracy.
Labels: Republicans
Its been awhile since I came over ...hope all is well on your side
all is well nasra - good to know you still visit.
some how you put someone in your mind..even though you dont tend to ask about them but from time time you wonder how are they...
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