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A Voice in the Wilderness

As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there's a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such twilight that we must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness. -- William O. Douglas

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stairway to Heaven - Rodrigo y Gabriela


At Tue Mar 25, 09:42:00 PM MDT, Blogger Cara said...

This is interesting. I'm a first time visitor to your blog and as I have been going through it my son is very much on my mind - so much of what is on your blog could easily relate to him. Then suddenly tonight's post pops up and its of the very last musicians that my son and I discussed. It was common for us to discover something and share it with each other - Rodrigo and Gabriela's was the last music (this CD in fact)we shared..hum..things that make you go hum...

At Tue Mar 25, 10:07:00 PM MDT, Blogger The Voice said...


Thanks for the post. My blog has undergone a myriad of changes over the years and I now find myself unable to devote the attention it so deserves. At one point I had a readership that numbered in the hundreds and it was not uncommon for me to receive a couple of hundred hits a day. I have made friends across the globe and they do occasionally drop in.

I used to post extensively on politics but that seemed to garner the kind of attention I don't necessarily appreciate. Suffice it to say that there are lot of nuts out in the blogosphere and not all of them are private entities.

At any rate, I am glad you do appreciate. I am posting and it touches me to read how you and your son spoke about R&G. I really wanted to see them when they were in Austin but the tickets were slow in coming and i didn't get to see them after all. I wanted to take my son but it just wasn't in the stars. I also even thought about flying out to Phoenix because that was on their next stop - not too far from Albuquerque where I live. Then I decided against it because again, the tickets were being scalped at outrageously high prices.

I hope to get to see them sometime soon because their music is awesome - an entirely new genre and their story is just as interesting. Street performers in Mexico city and then moving to Ireland where they built their reputation. I love that these Latinos from such humble backgrounds could rise to the level they have.

I love Acoustical guitar and am in the process of searching for a new guitar - still haven't found it yet.

When you write about your son, it ignites in me a longing to be with mine. He is 22 and has moved away recently. His absence is painful and I miss him so but I know he is doing what he wants to do and his life seems to be going well. Nevertheless, I do miss him.

Perhaps you can tell me more about your son sometime.

Thanks again for visiting and be safe.


At Wed Mar 26, 09:07:00 AM MDT, Blogger Cara said...

Hello again -

Thanks for your visit and comment to my blog - you have me very curious as to who your family is. I grew up in Santa Rosa, perhaps I know some of your relatives.

Yesterday was a very different day for me all the way around. I got home from work to discover my husband and his cousin had planted a tree in the front yard in honor of my son. Then I went through my own blog profile and out of curiousity I wanted to see who else had listed Bless Me Ultima as a favorite book and thats how I came across your blog. When I opened it and began to go through all of the songs you had posted they spoke to me on a personal level that had nothing to do with Easter. Then boom! while in your blog you posted the Rodrigo y Gabriela piece and I thought to myself..hum..this is something, as I don't believe in coincidences.

One day when you have the time and inclination, go to my blog and from there link into my other blog "The Zen of Paco". Its my ever present dialog about my son.

And about your son, call him. Call him right now and tell him how unique he is and how much that pleases you.

I also love love love acoustical guitar. As a matter of a fact I studied classical guitar for several years at the Pimetal Studios and eventually because of my love and respect for the instrument I put it down as I knew I didn't have what it takes. I still have my guitar they made for me and its one of my most cherished possessions.

Well as a writer I am long winded as always. But now that I found your site I will be visiting often. I am terminally homesick for New Mexico and your blog is a much needed connection.

Thanks - Cara


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