NY Times: G.O.P. Glum as It Struggles to Hold Congress
NY Times: G.O.P. Glum as It Struggles to Hold Congress (click here)
Here's an interesting - and current - article in today's NY Times - giving a detailed breakdown - no pun intended - on how the Republican Machine is clunking to a halt as this Tuesday's mid-term elections approach.

Is it any wonder when our president - the moron who has single-handedly abrogated America's standing as the Beacon of Democracy for the World?

Here's a quote from the article,
"Joe Gaylord, who was the political lieutenant to Newt Gingrich when he led the Republican takeover of the House in 1994, said that based on polling he had seen in recent weeks, he expected his party to lose 25 seats to 30 seats on Tuesday. That general assessment was repeatedly echoed in interviews with Republicans close to the White House.
“It’s very grim,” Mr. Gaylord said. “Things are dreadful out there.”
Representative Thomas M. Davis III, a Virginia Republican and veteran party strategist, said: “There’s no question we’re going to take a hit. The only question is how hard it would be.”
Side Note: The New York Times is free on-line. In order to read the article, you can simply register an ID and pasword - its not that difficult.

Meanwhile - in the eleventh hour - the Republican controlled and owned cable news media - like the Faux News Network - are working overtime to "jiggle the numbers" (that quote, this morning on MSNBC from bullshit artist, Chris Matthews) and spin the iinformation as a means of motivating the Republicans to turn out on Tuesday.
I read the article. I am not as optimistic. I think the Dems will get the House, but not the Senate. I also expect to see some "funny business" in close elections.
Its kind of like the birthing process - labor pains first and then the baby comes.
You may be right but think about it, these are the mid-term elections. The Republicans don't have the swagger they had in '04. Bush is campaigning in places like Montana, Nevada & Nebraska - umm... Republican strongholds!
He's swinging directly at the Democrats with insults. That isn't going to fly this time. His fear and smear tactics are no longer palatable to the American public. An animal in the throes of death is going to lash out the same way. You are witnessing the beginning of the end - just how dramatic is the question.
Rest assured, the Republican downfall is not about "if" but rather when.
Tuesday is going to be as much a referendum on Bush & Co. as it is on the notion that these fools have placed their Agenda above the centrist interests of the American people.
Finally, reference the 'funny business' - the democrats have taken a hard-earned lesson about the last two stolen elections; this time we will have observers and attorneys to ensure that fraudulence will be exposed.
Any infractions are going to be illuminated and magnified - that is only going intensify the distrust that the American public feels because of the lies foisted upon them by these fear and smear artists.
Let's see what happens!
Good to hear from you.
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