Olberman's comments on President Bush - the Liar

I think this man is an accurate reflection of how most Americans are slowly awakening to the very real threat Bush & Co. poses to Democracy.
Thank you Keith Olbermann. I admire your true patriotism and courage. I appreciate your sober and lone voice of conscience in the Cable news media. It is refreshing to know that not all journalists are obsequious cowards who continue prostituting themselves to conservatively owned, multimillion dollar, cable news networks.
For pieces of silver, these faux journalists, have consistently misrepresented facts while ignoring other realities as they've distorted the truth in order to bolster their lying president and his crew. Foolishly, these neocon hand-maidens have done the neocon's bidding at the expense of the Democracy that made their existence posssible. Like cancer cells that destroy the very body that gives them life, the faux journalists have thrived as the body which gives them life is slowly dying.

Reason: the neocon's pulled the plug on his popular show because he didn't fall in line with their political world view.
Labels: Social Justice
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