Bush and Cheney's offensive against those who call for an end to the Iraq fiasco

Hawkish Democrat Calls for
By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer
AP - 2 hours ago
"Our troops have become the primary target of the insurgency," Rep. John Murtha said Thursday. "They are united against
Of course the Whitehouse's response is to attack anyone who does not share their views as being non-supportive of US Troops.
Apparently the only way we Americans who do not follow Bush's agenda is to support more killing and dying. Apparently the only way to show patriotism is to 'support' bloodshed. It seems to have escaped the Bush Administration that wanting our troops home safe and out of harm's way is also patriotic.
Had we only known that the entire premise for entering
The reason that they went in there with no exit strategy is there was never any intention of exiting. We are there to stay to make sure that every barrel of oil pumped out of the ground there is sold in dollars as opposed to euros. The Neocon Nazis do not care how many people oppose the war, as long as we can control all the oil in the region (two-thirds of the world's remaining supply)than we will control the world, which is the stated objective of the Project For a New American century.
You are an absentee landlord! Miss you! Merry Christmas.
Yeah, what gives around here????
Hmmm - looks like you're as busy as I may be...
Well, may this christmas shine on you and your family.
All the best to you!
Merry Xmas, Joe ... hope you're writing again soon!
- G
Happy New Year to you and your family... Where are you?
Well Iraq will never the same...People are so shattered...
I look at this feel so sad to what our humanity had come too
I was taken too much by the subject I forgot to wish you happy new year to you and family
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