Saturday, October 29, 2005
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I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people.
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that is a wonderful shot
A river's greatness is also about how it improves the lives of those that depend on it--the flora and fauna--silently without clamouring for compliments
Very well put saffronsaris - I couldn't agree with you more. Oh that we all could be rivers huh? Something to strive for don't you agree?
Wonderful! You're back!
It's about time! You have been missed!
Joe, good to see you back! Beautiful picture ... the colours are stunning!
- G
This is very deep wisdom. I hope you are well Joe.
Its been awhile since I came here..But when ever I want visit a blog your always comes in mind...How true the river never complains...
Into the river
I blend with the rhythm
Im a river
The cuurent shelters my soul
Yet with my emotions
At times i overflow
each day a new course to follow
The music of nature with strings of sunshine
I inhale the rays, embracing the warmth
My soul is clear
Im made of crystal water
Im calm on the shout of thunder
Stillness embracing the rain
In rejoice in God's giving
Never hear me complain
Is it hard to undersatnd me
The logic for the river of life
unselfish existance. this is a beautiful shot!
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