Eye of the Storm - Katrina's Devastation

I came upon this blog today as I searched to see who had recently visited my blog. The site is staggering if only by virtue of the pictures this man has posted. The blog's name is Eye of the Storm [EOTS] - sort of a front lines report from someone experiencing it.
I am glad I happened upon it because it forces me to realize the amount of devastation has occurred in the wake of this hurricane.
I believe this is the time for all of us to pool our resources and reach out to our brothers and sisters whose lives are in complete chaos.
Please do not remain complacent.
Now is the time to do something.
- For those of you who can donate money - please do so.
- For those of you who can donate your time and talents - please do so.
- For those of you who can generate letters to Washington in order to effect a quicker response - please do so.
- For those of you who feel you can do nothing please do not give up hope.
- The power of prayer is immense.
- For those of you who do not believe in prayer, you can still offer up your thoughts and keep those whose lives are in turmoil in your hearts.
Borrowing from the English Poet, John Donne, 'we are all part of the main,' let us abide in each other and let us help one another.
Thank you EOTS
I have been praying for the people of the USA GulfCoast because I am hampered by distance and lack of £ & $ to come to anyone's aid.
Thank you for reminding us of the need to pray and to remember all those who need our intercession.
Just to share, a neat way to donate, that is secure and you know it will get where is needed, is to use Amazon.com link for Red Cross donations. Is fast and easy. I've used quite a few times.
thnaks for the heads up on bloggers... the last thing I need is more spam!
like your blog... will continue to pray, as that is truly the most powerful aid...
If you want to read something scary click
here below is a quote from this blog;
"The poorest 20% (you can argue with the number -- 10%? 18%? no one knows) of the city was left behind to drown. This was the plan. Forget the sanctimonious bullshit about the bullheaded people who wouldn't leave. The evacuation plan was strictly laissez-faire. It depended on privately owned vehicles, and on having ready cash to fund an evacuation. The planners knew full well that the poor, who in new orleans are overwhelmingly black, wouldn't be able to get out. The resources -- meaning, the political will -- weren't there to get them out.
White per capita income in Orleans parish, 2000 census: $31,971. Black per capita: $11,332. Median *household* income in B.W. Cooper (Calliope) Housing Projects, 2000: $13,263."
I don' think I need to add anything to it.
Silly there is only one way in and one way out of New Orleans. I know of a few tour bus services from Texas is trying, but it hard to to get into New Orleans. The water is so high and the road are invisible.
We live in America the land of hypocrisy ... we know we are not united, look at how most of us are treated. I am not shocked at the lack of solidarity considering that a large portion of the people hurt have very dark skin and is very poor. It's nothing new for America to forget that we are all equal since we are not treated as such even when there is no disaster.
I am not even shocked by the fact that I don't hear too much about the rich religious community not doing more ... this place is a Catholic paradise, where is the Pope. How come he hasn't sent any aid? You get my point.
Terrorist acts in America that can not be used by the Bush administration to slaughter innocent folks or steal another country national resources, well .. they don’t mean much to these rich and powerful folks. Dick Chaney Company can’t make 400 billions of New Orleans, Mississippi, or Alabama. After all, some think to this day, especially in the south … “the only good blacks are dead black” … so why bother to save them!
We live in a country that sells propaganda and lies to its people and uses fear when propaganda doesn’t work. We have to turn to Media outside of America to even get the real truth about what is happening right under our noses. Hell, I live in Texas and still can’t get the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Still … you have a good point and your question is valid, but I for one don’t have any answers except to look at history and how its always repeating itself.
Silly I went to the links you left and I have read and read and read ... and all I can do is cry. Oh my goodness ... all I can do is cry.
I copied silly adventures links and set them up so that you all can directly liink them here ratgher than having to copy and paste the links.
Thank you silly advantures - I appreciate your input my friend.
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