Tuesday, August 23, 2005
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Voices of Conscience
News and Related
I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people.
Who Links Here

The measure of Humanity lies not in what we have acquired or want but in what we have given to those in need.
Rarely has it been said better. Humanity isn't the life of one ... it is the life of all, and the gift of life to others that those with the means and the resources can provide.
Thanks for posting that quote - that Truth.
*tummy tied*
When I see this, the relevance of being a second-generation international worker hits me.
Thank you for tearing me away from my own selfishness.
A very sobering thought. Makes me think, what the hell am I doing with my life?
When I was a kid, I used to watch news program where they showed starving Sudanese children.
I never really understood what I was seeing, until I grew older.
Somehow, there is something I can do for them, but I have yet to figure out what.
The bitter reality..that many of us close our eyes refusing to accept of pretend does not exist..As it seems does not happen in our block..The mentality of its not in our block it does not relate to us ...
my friends,
Your words offer me hope in that you all come from such diffeent walks of life - different corners of the world - and yet you all resonate the same concern for Humanity.
Thank you all for such profund thoughts and concern over our breatheren wherever they may be in the world. Their suffering is ours.
Their plight is something we can help to change. Together we can affect profound change. Let us never quit believing in the power of kindness.
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