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A Voice in the Wilderness

As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there's a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such twilight that we must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness. -- William O. Douglas

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Alan Armijo for Mayor

Funny how in the Valley, an old truck symbolizes prestige, in the Heights, poverty.
Jimmy Santiago Baca - Martin & Meditations on the South Valley

I originally posted this on Albloggerque's blog ( My reason for believing Alan has the makings of a great Mayor is because he knows what he is doing and he is definitely more invested in the city's wellbeing. Martin Chavez arrived on Albuquerque's political scene about a decade ago. As a native son whose father also was involved in local politics, Marty showed a tremendous amount of promise but, time passed and his politics turned out to be more directed at appeasing wealthy land developers on the west side of the city. It is amazing how this man can be promoting unlimited expansion of the city's borders with no regard for future water conservation. He has aligned himself with the city's financial elites and consequently forgotten the people who put him in office.

Alan Armijo, a Bernalillo County Commissioner was a City Counselor as well. He is from Albuquerque's predominantly Hispanic and economically challenged South Valley. I believe he has a vision that is sensitive to the issues that affect the poor and moreover, he has the capacity to, 'walk with kings.' He is a good man and seems more genuine and less driven by hidden agendas. He does not strike me as the kind of man that makes back-room deals. At any rate, here's my posting;

AbqAvgJoe said...

Hit and Run Marty

Sitting here watching the discussion on gov-tv regarding discussions about the jail funding; I so appreciate the spanking Alan Armijo gave Marty. I also appreciate the depth of knowledge Alan has because he was also once a City Councilor (thanks for the "reminder' you put out to Marty about funding there Alan!!!) It is great that someone has the cojones to remind that pudgy runt of a mayor that we all are represented by people other than just Marty Chavez.

I am ashamed to admit that I voted for Mayor Chavez both times when he was elected into office. Time has passed and it turns out that Marty cares only about Marty. I, for one am tired of his grandstanding and making himself out to be Albuquerque's only hope for salvation. Its time for re-election so, like clockwork Marty shows up to pander to the public by painting every other elected official as being out of touch with the public's needs. He is a media hound. It is interesting to note that Marty made is presentation and then "suddenly" had to leave - what a coward! It is evident he is more adept at spitting out a sound byte for the local news media. Good old Hit and Run Marty!! It is time to vote this self-serving politico out of office. Were does he get the idea that he can unilaterally dispose of JPA commission? Apparently the City Council has no say-so in this matter!

Now Marty thinks he has found a way to garner votes by cutting funding. Apparently he thinks that he can screw Correction's Officers out of what is due to them now. He did this with city personnel (refuse department) and they remembered when he ran for Governor and LOST!

I will make one prediction and you all can rub my nose in it if it does not come to pass - MARTY CHAVEZ WILL NOT BE ALBUQUERQUE'S NEXT MAYOR.

POINT OF INFORMATION: I am not, nor have I ever been, an employee of either the City of Albuquerque or Bernalillo County.

Come Monday, I will be knocking on Alan Armijo's door to offer my help in getting him elected. Go get 'em Alan!


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